Inspiration: Unconventional Ads

Think outside of a full-bleed print or mobile app and you'll find a world of creative options for executions that win.

The Four Best Unconventional Ads From The Last Four Years
Via Copyranter

The Four Best Unconventional Ads From The Last Four Years

Inspired ambient advertising that perfectly combined medium and message.

In March, 2009, this 225 square meter sticker promoting Frontline flea and tick spray was placed on the main floor of three shopping malls in Jakarta, Indonesia. Brilliant. Ad agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Jakarta.
Last Fall, in Toronto, a real street scene with blurred billboard, sidewalk, street sign, mailboxes, and fire hydrant was erected. It was promoting the Mercedes-Benz 2012 C-350 Coupe, and got lots of press. Ad agency: BBDO Toronto.
December 2009. Taking advantage of a country-wide snow storm in England, Polo mints, through their ad agency, JWT London, produced stamps that perfectly replicated the candy in snow, and hit the streets. Big return on free media. This is my favorite. So simple.
2009, via China, for Supor non-stick pans. The Shanghai office of Leo Burnett set up a giant wok outside shopping malls in the city. A ramp was placed behind it where skater boys and girls dressed as prawns, fish, pork, eggs, and carrots created the illusion of cooking non-stickiness. Pretty cool. Video below.

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