How to Copy Write: A detailed guide

Copywriting is a skill, an art in certain ways. It really hurts my feelings when students say they picked copywriting because it's easier.

It's not.

It's different.

You don't need to master programs, but you do need to master words. You need to know how to take boring client mandatories and turn them into an intriguing and enticing conversation with the target.

You need to know how to tease, excite and motivate people in an interesting way. Without cliches. Without being boring. Without saying too much. Without lying and getting sued/boycotted. Without saying something that's already been said. Without being confusing.Without snapping after going through 32 revisions of ONE line.

It's a lot.

It takes work. Practice. Talent. Resilience.

I was sent this gem last week and couldn't wait to share it with you.

The Copywriting Infographic 

It's huge, so you'll have to click/download to view all of it (Try this link). But it's great. I love infographics (have you seen and this chart is full of tips, tricks and how-tos.

Also these great quotes:

"A writer is someone who can make a riddle out of an answer." - Karl Kraus 

"When you write, try to leave out all the parts readers skip." - Elmore Leonard (!!!) 

 Save it. Print it. Study it.
(Try this link)


Inspiration: Unconventional Ads


Praise vs Criticism