Fix Your Face: 9 LinkedIn Pic Tips

There’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram where you hang out with your friends and post pics of whatever the hell you please.

And then there’s LinkedIn where you’re presenting yourself to potential employers, colleagues and other professionals.

How you look on your LinkedIn profile is just as important as what you say on it.

Here are 9 Tips to Look Better on LinkedIn:

1.Have a picture.(Profiles with pics are 7x more likely to be viewed. Stat)

2.Have a picture of you. Specifically, your face. 

3.Be current. Have a recent picture of you. Sure you were a cute kid, but no one wants to hire an 8 year old. 

4.Show your face. Make sure your face is clearly recognizable and you look like you should be in someone's office. It can be artsy and creative, but within reason. 

5.No Shenanigans. No liquor, tongues sticking out, gang signs or other questionable actions or impressions. 

6.No selfies. No matter how gorgeous you look. I’m sure you have at least one friend that can hold your phone and click to take a decent picture of you. 

7.Be welcoming. Try to look warm, friendly and natural. Accessible. Think about puppies. Or ice cream. 

8.Use a good quality photo. Nothing grainy, blurry, pixelated or cropped funny.

9.Stand alone. We’re all happy you have friends/ a spouse/ a dog, but ask them to sit this one out. Don’t try to crop them out either. Everyone is on to you.

Feel free to show some personality, of course. (Mine once had me on one of those old school things people used to type on.) But don't take it too far. People are watching you. And most likely judging you.


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