How To Get Ahead At Work

Getting the job isn't the end of the line. Once you get the job, you have to keep the job. And then you have to get a better job (whether internally or externally.) Your work is never done. 

Love this article that lists 6 Tips on How to Get Ahead in Your Career. 

It even includes relevant books to read that go into more info. All the tips are really great, but this one really stood out to me:

Number 3. Use Peer Pressure To Your Advantage:

This is my fav one - it essentially says surround yourself with successful people. "Use positive peer pressure by surrounding yourself with hardworking friends who share your career goals." This is a great tip for work and life in general.

Things are hard enough already the least you can do is 1. Enjoy the people you work with and 2. Work with people who support you and make you better.

Read the whole list here.


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