Wanna Do Something Risky?

Do it. Do it. Do it. What's gonna happen? Someone will say no and you will have to start over. Oh. That's it? As a creative, you get told stuff like that all the time. Almost daily. "It's not there yet." "Try something else." "Do you have any other ideas?"

So why not just go all in? If you're gonna fail, Fail Big. (This is probably one of my fav posts because sometimes even I have to re-read it and remind myself to go hard or go home.) 

This slideshare presentation, a 2013 Cannes Lions Creative Review, reiterates that fact and backs it up with amazing, award-winning creative ideas. "Risk The Idea" is the overarching message of the slideshow. They sum it up at the end saying: "This year we've seen how ideas and advertising can solve problems indeed (suicide, blood donation, organ donation and rail safety). But we've also seen how ideas and advertising solve equally serious brand* problems (brand perception, loyalty and sales). It seems befitting to end with Bill Bernbach's quote

"Safe ideas can kill you."

(*They're jokers. IMO suicide is waaaay more serious than brand loyalty.) Read it. Study it. Replicate it.

(In your own, awesome way of course.)


Inspiration: Typographic Posters


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