10 Books Every Creative Should Read

A MAIP intern recently asked me to recommend books for creatives. I was impressed because I (Which sucks for me because I'm a writer.) really thought people don't read books anymore. Or anything for that matter.

Here's a collection of books I've posted about or I've had recommended to me. I can't admit to having read them all (see above) but they've all gotten great reviews and, honestly, even if you only get to 3 of them, you'll be better off than you are today.

Creative Wannabe Reading List 

Hey Whipple, Squeeze This

Ogilvy on Advertising

The Advertising Concept Book

Breaking In Book 

Pick Me: Breaking Into Advertising and Staying There

How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising

How to Steal Like an Artist

It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be

Caffeine for the Creative Mind

How to Train Ideas (e-book)

Want More? Check out The Agency Review. They have an immense collection of advertising book reviews. 


5 Ways To End Monday Blues


Inspiration: Typographic Posters