Look At Me
You have a good portfolio -- now what? Well, now you have to figure out how to get people to look at it. And then to want to call you in for an interview. And that's when you can hit them with the one two - great book, great personality POW - you're hired!
But how do you go from step 1 - to steps 2 and 3? The basic idea is of having a portfolio is to show people how you think. How smart and creative you are. How you can solve problems. And what you'll bring to table.
So start thinking about how you can do that even before someone clicks on your link. Here's a great example of a creative way to get noticed. Two students put their books in bathrooms at agencies around New York - showing that they can come up with creative solutions - which is what you're going to do every day when you get hired.
It's all about how you can get the right message, to the right target, at the right time. (Well in this case, right-ish.)
The Toilet Book from Akos Papp on Vimeo.
Read this article about how and why they did it. Junior Ad Men Drop Off Portfolios In Bathrooms And Get Jobs