Good Beer Ads=Good Times?

Been talking about serious stuff recently. Today, let's go the complete opposite - what's more fun than beer? Well, lots of things actually. Because working on beer advertising isn't really that fun.

Sorry to burst your bubble. 

Working on a beer brand is surprisingly challenging - from legal constraints to no real product differentiation to the daunting fact that you can do anything and the crushing reality that everything has already been done. Plus, having to be funny on demand and appeal to the mass market without offending anybody is like doing cartwheels through a mine field.

And don't forget, everyone has to keep the labels forward. Oh. And you can't actually show people drinking the beer.

Yeah. Good times I tell ya. Good times.

TIP: Unless you can come up with some amazing social extension/app/totally innovative game-changing thing - don't put beer ads in your book. 

Here are some of my favs from my memory and The Best 40 Beer Print Ads, 75 Creative and Humorous Beer Ads and 11 Best Goddamn Beer Ads Ever. (Full disclosure: I'm partial too all things Heineken)


Beer & Your Interview


Friday Treat: Google's Latest