Go Here: Social Media Week

Social Media Week is upon us! Y'all know I love the Internet, I also have a thing for social media. It's off and on. We go through things sometimes. But I always keep coming back. Next week is Social Media Week in Copenhagen, Hamburg, Lagos, Miami, Milan, New York, Paris, Singapore, Tokyo and D.C.

According to their site: "Social Media Week is a worldwide event exploring the social, cultural and economic impact of social media. Our mission is to help people and organizations connect through collaboration, learning and the sharing of ideas and information."

According to me: This is gonna be awesome. Check out the site SocialMediaWeek.org to find events in your city. FYI: Some of the events are free, some of the more awesome sessions are not. Here are some of the free ones in New York that I'm going to try to check out.

See more for New York Follow them on Twitter @socialmediaweek


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