Win This: Young Glory
Young Glory is the only worldwide competition devoted to creative consistency. It is also your chance to get work in front of a big industry name every month.
"8 months. 8 briefs. 8 big name judges"
Each month, between October and May, a different industry leader sets and judges his/her own brief. Participants have one month to respond to each brief.
Students and Professionals new to the industry compete monthly in separate categories to win Gold, Silver, Bronze or Finalist spots. You can participate in one, several or all months.
Earn points for every accolade you win over the 8 rounds (see the points system). At the end of the Young Glory season, the industry's most consistent creative talent will be crowned.
For more information see the FAQs
Stay updated via the Young Glory Newsletter
Connect on the Young Glory Facebook Page.
See previous seasons here.
Submit Entering Young Glory requires just two simple steps.
Create your response.Your submission can be in any format (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo, Slideshare, .pdf, .jpeg, website...). Whatever it takes to communicate your idea in the most powerful and succinct way.
The only rule is you must be able to link to it online via a URL. The URL can be under any domain (e.g. your own portfolio site), as long as it is not password protected.
Enter & PayEnter your information and pay the entry fee via the secure PayPal form below. It is USD $10 for each entry you submit.