Inspiration: Type & Design Project
Everybody should have a personal project.
Advertising is great and all, but you should have something on the side - whether or not it's related to advertising - that you're absolutely, completely, totally passionate about. Something you can turn to when advertising bores you, drains you or hurts your feelings.
I have this blog, poetry and Junior designer Amanda George has her design blog, The Audacity of Color. And Drew Melton has The Phraseology Project (which I learned about on Amanda's blog and am now featuring on mine. It all comes full circle.)
Find something you love and do it. Who knows, it may get you recognised - and a job.
In the mean time, check out and be inspired by The Phraseology Project
Drew Melton designed user-submitted phrases and posted them. Here are some of my favs.
Advertising is great and all, but you should have something on the side - whether or not it's related to advertising - that you're absolutely, completely, totally passionate about. Something you can turn to when advertising bores you, drains you or hurts your feelings.
I have this blog, poetry and Junior designer Amanda George has her design blog, The Audacity of Color. And Drew Melton has The Phraseology Project (which I learned about on Amanda's blog and am now featuring on mine. It all comes full circle.)
Find something you love and do it. Who knows, it may get you recognised - and a job.
In the mean time, check out and be inspired by The Phraseology Project
Drew Melton designed user-submitted phrases and posted them. Here are some of my favs.