Retail Alphabet Game

Branding is a powerful thing. I almost lost my nuts when Gap changed their logo. (Though I really think they just did it to get attention.)

One thing students always slip up on is preserving branding. They come up with really great ideas but for the wrong product or they deviate too far from the current brands look/feel to create something that albeit cooler/hipper, would never, ever fly. Companies pay big bucks to have their branding done (logos, typefaces, colours etc) and they have massive brand guideline books and lawyers who go back and make sure they're following them.

So here's a tip, if you're creating something for a well-established brand, stay as closely as you can to their brand without sacrificing your awesome idea. If their main colour is red, don't go all orange on us. It's confusing, and like in the situation of Gap, (and other ill-advised branding changes) upsetting.

Now, to the fun part.

Can you guess which brands these are from looking at one letter from the logo?




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